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Friday, August 15, 2008

Olympic Frenzy!


I know I am already very late here. But I would still like to say that Olympics really rocks socks. Have been practically trying to update myself on the Olympic happenings everyday when I am in camp.

Now I have got no more socks. LOL

If you are one of those potatocrouch out there, you should have even hear something about a medal and a drought and a Feng while you were channel surfing today.

Singapore is going to get at least, and I think most probably, a silver.

Thus we have broken a 40-odd years of a medal drought. Some people might claim a curse is broken. LOL

And Feng of the Singapore Table-tennis women's team was a heroine of the day.

I was watching the match on TVMobile and I felt really happy when the South Korean lost. But something has been boggling in my mind.

Now that we have gotten ourselves a hard-earned Olympic medal, will the ever-endless hype about an Olympic medal turn to the people getting the medal?? Soon, we might continue to aim for the next Olympic medal being won by a true blue Singaporean.

But thats my guess lah. We are still ever ambitious, not that we do not appreciate whatever that has been done because those athletes out there are still Singapore citizens.

Anyway, I thought that there will be Chinese Martial Arts when Olympics started. LOL

Enough of this.

My legs and hands have been getting rather itchy recently, considering the number of months I have not moved on dance mats. And I need some music.

My computer has been really cranky recently. Time to devote some of my time for a computer overhaul!!

I shall update again these few days. Now can't really think of stuff to write!!



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